Monday 31 October 2011

Week 5: Teaching in Experimential room

Would you like to teach here? What are the room’s affordances and what are its weaknesses and disadvantages?

I don't really want to teach here.


For learner:

Group discussion for whole class?
Across group?

For teacher:

Difficult to monitor
To know students' pace of learning
To know students' pace of understanding?
To know students' feedback?
Presenting idea?

For technical staff:
Difficult to set up?
Not flexible to move the chair, table and computers.

For budget:

It is of course expensive!

Ted (Ng Yan Kit), Group 3, MITE6024

Week 5: About experimental classroom

What do you think of this experimental classroom?

For audition :
First, from our classmates, the room kill sound, we cannot voice out the opinion to all people in the room easily.

For vision:
There are too many LCD display screen showing the same slide, pros is we can read the slide everywhere, cons is we cannot find a focus of the classroom. I don't know where should I look at when I often have not useful eye contact with each others. It is weird. 

For Smell:
Poor ventilation

For touch:

For Space:
Separated, dispersed, isolated each group

For time:
is there any?


For learner:
Learner cant find the focus of the classroom
Learner cannot discuss freely across different groups

For teacher:
Teachers cannot monitor the class easily, need to walk around group by group
Teachers don't know if the student is attentive or not, difficult to know how student catch up with and understand the class.

For technical staff
Difficult to maintain the classroom by many complicated set up, many LCD and computers connected together for switching viewing the screen of many computers in each tables.

Ted (Ng Yan Kit), Group 3, MITE6024

Sunday 30 October 2011

Present a potential research topic that would be useful in providing a solution to an educational issue (should be relevant to IT):

Present a potential research topic that would be useful in providing a solution to an educational issue (should be relevant to IT):

I am particular interested in “Technology Integration” as I was engineering student.
I want to focus on “knowledge representation” and “Human computer interaction”.
I think this kind of research is “one suit fit all” for many subjects by using multi-media. For example, using “prezi”, “mind map” these kinds of web applications and iPhone applications can help on presenting idea for many subjects.

In the first place, online web applications with multi-media just help people access the information easily and in a cosy way. Learners have more “dimensions” on receiving information and have more “interaction” with the learning material- the software. 
Simple and intuitive design of software - it just enhances the learning-experience with less difficulty. Software is not just about functions it provide but also the User interface design which make user feel easy to adopt to it. It must save a lot of time for teacher and student to pick up the technical skill. For the current user-interface design, there is a lot more space to improve
Virtual social network –in web 2.0, it is not just interactions between human-to-computers but also human-to-human interaction through the computers. It just pulls closed between people by getting ride of distance and time. Like “prezi” , “google doc” with the support of “cloud computing”, we can share the presentation with teammates in quick easily. “Cloud computing” is just the most hottest topic in computer science world today.

Ted (Ng Yan Kit), Group 3, MITE6024

Monday 10 October 2011

Week 3: How can Web 2.0 applicatioin support teaching and learning?

Here is the URL on "Web 2.0 Activity"
How can Web 2.0 applicatioin support teaching and learning?

PowerPoint made by Ted NG YAN KIT, Ricky CHAN KWOON KAY, Kingsley HU YA XIONG, Group 3, MITE6024

Monday 3 October 2011

Week 2: Create Mind mapping learning theory

Group activity 2:
Create Mind mapping account at

Mind map on Learning theory:


Sunday 2 October 2011

Week 2: Group activity 1: Review example developed by mostly student

We picked

Animated Gifs

as an example for review.

Interactive and attractive to learn and play, promote user to be motivated to learn from the fact.

        Instructivist learning model: 
        It provides factual information,

Questions provided: sharp the behavior

Constructivist learning model:
create own , simple task
all create the same product
        computer used as tool in a this activity

no discussion
no interaction between classmate
only one objective answer
        Instructivism learning model
only one objective answer
        no much interaction
        "role model" is set

no teacher's page but only student page
no measurement on student performance
no analysis on student performance


Introduce myself

Nice to meet you! Everyone, I am a oil arts worker and also a designer in my undergraduate life for 4 years. It is my great honor to join the MITE group.  Happy to meet you in Information and Technology in Education class in HKU!

As the result of ITE's development, people's interaction become multiple online, such as facebook, MSN, also can online teaching, but these can not satisfy human’s demanding.

Introduction of technology in schools may improve educational practice in some way, such as the way to teaching, to manage, to communication with others.
Using hi-tech makes teaching more multiple, efficiency, we can not only have a discussion face to face, but also online after class, and get different ideas from students and learners from other place.

I have learnt something about IT in education which is very interesting to me. I want to join the IT industry which make our modern education and new life much richer and colorful, so I choose ITE for my further study. Although these courses' theory is abstract for me, I would try my best to work with it.
