Sunday 13 November 2011

Week 7: Mobile and Handheld Technologies in Education

Consider the use of mobile technology in your school or workplace. Upload to group blog and present in class.

For my secondary school in Hong Kong:

Over 10 years ago, when I was secondary 1-3, me and classmates were using electronic dictionary for learning English vocabulary and doing assignment during or after class.

Something like this: (the picture is from the internet)

Later, when I was form5, I just use pocket PC and netbook to find information by using internet Wifi during class.

My pocket PC: (picture of my brother's mobile phone and my pocket PC 2003, it still works!)

However, Pocket PC in class will become... Solitarie.. as those were the time not yet web2.0, no wiki, just msn, yahoo, google...

ASUS EEE PC small netbook was so popular when I was secondary 6/7  around 5 years ago: (picture from internet, mine was sold already) those were the day Google and Wikipedia started getting popular! I can find a lot of information of the answer of my assignments and scientific laboratory report!! :P

Actually, I was not allowed to bring expensive item such as mobile phone or computer back to school. I just use it inside my drawer. The Wifi network is for testing purpose for teachers' use only. However, it is not password-protected and I just "hack" into it for my own use anyway.

For my undergraduate study in HKU:

iPhone3G is my gift from dad and mum for entering University for studying computer science! The professor also suggest me to purchase one! I use it to log in HKU portal to check email and class timetable from course website and GOOGLE/WIKI ANYTIME ANYWHER!. I was still using EEE PC for reading lecture notes in class but the screen is too small and later I purchase MacBook:
As I was an engineering student, i need high performance computers for programming jobs. I took the macbook everyday with me for doing project and presentation with classmates.

Also in HKU i sometimes find this: ( Information Kiosks for campus navigation in the main campus, photo from Computer center, HKU)

I ever touched it once with friends. But I find this is not very useful as the campus is too noisy to listen to it. And I found it when I had been very familiar with the campus already!)

Recently when I had class of MITE6023
We can have online distance learning (via webcam of iMac):


(from my iPhone4's screen shot)

Last time when I was late for the lesson:
(via webcam of iPhone4, me was on bus stuck in cross harbor tunnel at 5-6pm!)

(Ricky was in lecture room!)

This is the most memorial experience of me on mobile learning! Although is not very stable for the video/audio/lecture notes sharing. But it is completely a new experience of mine on mobile learning!

Thank you!

Ted (Ng Yan Kit), Group 3, MITE6024 

Monday 7 November 2011


A tool to combine difficult photos with music and information convenient. It is in a few minutes to make people seeing many beautiful pictures.
And you can share this work to your friend in fackbook, renren, youtube and so on.

Thank you.

By Kingsley

Sunday 6 November 2011

Week 6: explaing how to use a Web 2.0 application

video tutorial explaing how to use a "scratch"

"Scratch" is a software development tool

It helps you create simple and interactive software like Game or animation.

You can share your created work with friends.

Easy and clear Graphic show the logic of running script.

It helps students learning beginner computer programming.

Scratch official websites:

Ted (Ng Yan Kit), Group 3, MITE6024

Use Roxio to make a photoshow with information and music:

The result of the work:

I think it is a very convenient tool. You can easily and quickly edit photos, add more information, record your voice and upload it to your blog, facebook, etc. With only a few clicks, everyone can make his/her own video in just a minute.

Please feel free to give me some commons.
Thank you!
